Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lower Largo

Spoke to Dad earlier. He'd had a good day on the bike and he is now in Lower Largo which is about 18 miles north of Kirkcaldy.

He has mostly followed cycle route 1 again down to Dundee. Dad needed to cross the Tay Road Bridge but as there were lots of roadworks going on he couldn't find where cyclists needed to go so he asked a cyclist who said "follow me" and took Dad to the lift that cyclists use to get to the level that they can cross the bridge safely. At 1.4 miles it was good that cyclists have their own dedicated part of the bridge

Did skirted around Dundee cycling through the Docks. He again picked up route 1 but this time it took him along a forest track ... not ideal when your bike is fully laden! However he continued on the track and an hour later came out at Tentsmuir Point which is a Nature Reserve.

From there Dad headed onto Leuchars which is also home to another RAF station and then onto into St Andrews. He then picked up the A917 and followed the coast into Crail, Elie and into Lower Largo.

When he arrived at the campsite at 4.00 pm it had a sign saying "site full". However they managed to squeeze him in. Very good campsite and Dad has table and chair and this campsite even has a recreation room with a TV .... it's been a few weeks since Dad last saw a TV! Told him to go and see if it had ITV4 and then he could watch the TDF and Cav reclaim in the green jersey!

Disappointed that Dad didn't find any cake in Dundee ... that's Arbroath Smokies he has missed out and now Dundee Cake!

He'd already cooked up when I spoke to him - curry and new potatoes followed by rice pudding and banana!

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