Friday, October 14, 2011

Almost 10,000 views

Can you believe, almost 10,000 page views on Dad's blog ... so who actually is reading this blog ?

Apparently there have 444 pageviews in the last month - bizarre.  The post I wrote on Charmouth Aug 17, 2009 while Dad was cycling around the coast, always seems to be the top of the list of views. This last month it had 39 views. Why, what did I write on that day that was so interesting ?

Always strange to look at the stats of the audience viewing the blog. There were over 100 views from the UK this last week (probably all me !) but then US had 26, Canada had 15, Russia 10 (can the Russians understand what I write) and India and Japan 3 views each - all this sounds a bit like the voting on the Eurovision Song Contest !

53% of the readers view the blog in IE, 22% Firefox, 13% Chrome and then Safari, Opera and less than 1% on NS8 - whatever that is.

Most users are using Windows (83%), then Mac (10%) and then through Linux, Andriod and with less than 1% on a Blackberry ... well they have been struggling this week !

Still get a high proportion of traffic from Mike Carter's article in the Guardian and from Facebook and assume from his followers.

Now my own blog which has been going longer has had just over 500 hits ... says a lot really !

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