Friday, January 16, 2015

The Gym

Dad has been for his first visit to a gym! It's all part of the rehab programme but it's definitely a first for him! He'd got his own personal trainer, which was useful as I'm not sure he'd be able to suss the computerised technology!  They had him walking on the treadmill, riding a bike, on one of those "arm thingies" (that's what he called it!) and then back on the treadmill.  He said he enjoyed the session and he's looking forward to his next session. It's a good job as he's got seven more of these sessions !

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Bike

Well they've given out gale warnings and yellow "be aware" warnings and the weather folk have been gearing up to it for a few days .... so today is the day Dad decides to get his bike out for the first time since his op and tootles off to get his paper. His words were "I didn't realise it was so windy until I started pedalling !" 

Yeah Dad not the best of days to pick for your post-op maiden bike ride !

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A quick update

A quick update as it will be coming up to six weeks post op this week ! Dad is doing good and he's hoping to get back behind the wheel and get out and about in his car. I think that will make a huge difference in his recovery and regaining his independence.

On Saturday night we headed up to the velodrome in Manchester to watch Revolution track racing. We'd booked the tickets a few months ago. We had a great night and after explaining to the staff at velodrome that Dad had not long had a operation and wasn't up to walking far they sent me a parking voucher to park on site which was brilliant.

Today he went AWOL ... well I couldn't get hold on him. I spoke to him first thing and then tried at lunch and got no answer. I left a message and then tried a few more times over the next few hours but still no reply. I even tried his mobile which was kind of pointless as he never has it switched on ! However he checked in a couple of hours later. He'd been out for lunch and then a walk around Westport Lake (which is a mile around - I know this as it's one of my walks) and then also popped in and had a walk around the Dingle.  That'll probably be the furthest he's walked so that it great progress.

Tomorrow and Thursday he has a couple of appointments at the hospital which will be the first time he has seen anyone since getting discharged.

Will keep you posted on his progress..